Laufzeit: 13.09.2024 – 05.01.2025

Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 12.09.2024, 19 Uhr


Samstag, 14.09.2024, 20 Uhr

FFF MEMBERS PARTY with friends and family, good vibrations, music and drinks

With a comprehensive selection of works this exhibition reveals the desires and interests that the members of the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) have personally for the medium. In an open call process members of the FFF were asked to send their photos to be juried for an exhibition celebrating the 40th anniversary of FFF.

This exhibition is dedicated to all those who participated -- over 200 members -- for their passion for photography and their commitment to supporting FFF. Original works from the juried short list are part of the wall and room installation. In addition, numerous series and individual photographs of all participants are displayed on large scale monitors.

Since the 1990s the FFF has organised an educational programme with workshops and lectures by world renowned photographers, including Martin Parr in 1999. Many of the photographers in PASSIONATELY have attended these courses at what is now the FFF Academy. Similar to our workshop themes like portraiture, street photography, the body, fashion, abstraction and environment, the exhibited works reveal how diversly we respond to places and others and how multifaceted perspectives can be.

PASSIONATELY presents a photographic universe with a wide variety of photographs and different perspective on a single theme.

The exhibition was juried by Andrea Horvay, communications specialist, and co-curator FFF; Alexandra Lechner photographer, RAY curator and founder of Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie; and Ute Noll, picture editor DU magazine, curator and founder of UNO-Art Space. PASSIONATELY was curated by Andrea Horvay and Celina Lunsford.

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