Saturday/Sunday, June 15/16, 2024, 10 am–5 pm 


Technology & processes, concept development, distribution, digital media, marketing

Online workshop schedule

June 15: Meeting at 10 am. Participants will learn about Instagram as a marketing platform and inspiring examples of successful photographers. Afterwards, there will be a compact insight into how the app works, its various sub-areas, content formats and the correct use of hashtags.

June 16: Meeting at 10 am. Day 2 will focus on the topics of reach, algorithms and success factors that need to come together for an account to grow sustainably. Participants will learn how to set meaningful goals for Instagram, determine the appropriate target groups and create strategic content that generates attention.


Smartphone and the Instagram app installed on it. An account should already exist or be set up. Initial knowledge of the app's basic functions is an advantage.

Participants are asked to bring a smartphone with the Instagram app pre-installed and writing materials to the workshop. If you prefer, you can also take notes on your laptop or tablet.


Fotografie Forum Frankfurt

Braubachstraße 30–32, 60311 Frankfurt

Language: German
Price members: 250 EUR
Price non members: 350 EUR
Number of participants: Min. 8 / max. 10
Registration deadline: May 31, 2024
Duration: 2 days

In the digital age, many clients expect a presence on social media channels. This workshop introduces the Instagram platform, which is particularly relevant for photographers. Which functions should I know? How can I use different formats such as carousels, stories or reels effectively and what do I need to know about the algorithm? How do hashtags and clever captions increase visibility? Last but not least, the question of how to build a sustainable reach in a target group that is really interested in what I offer. Participants will receive impulses for developing their own strategies as well as tips on how to produce creative content on a regular yet time-saving basis.

Susanne Krieg is a journalist and content creator. After studying and attending the Henri Nannen School of Journalism, she worked as a reporter and copy editor at GEO magazine for ten years. Since 2018, she has been running a successful blog and the Instagram account @frau_elbville with around 37,000 followers, which she uses to market her books, guides and photo walks, among other things. She advises companies and freelancers from the creative industry on Instagram, digital marketing, content creation and self-publishing. 


Frau Elbville alias Susanne Krieg (Website)

    Sign up here for the workshop with Susanne Krieg (waiting list):

    For this event the access is limited and a previous registration is necessary. 


    After the submission of your data we will send you a confirmation by e-mail. This e-mail also includes the bank information for the transfer of the workshop fee. Your payment should reach our account fourteen days before the start of the workshop and is necessary for the participation. In the event of your absence without prior notice of at least 14 days we can unfortunately not refund the fee of the workshop. 

    With your registration you will confirm that you have read and understood the PRIVACY POLICY of Fotografie Forum Frankfurt.

    Do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at or telephone at +49 (0) 69 291726 if you have any questions regarding workshop schedule, registration or payment.

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