

Saturday/Sunday, Feb 24, May 25, Aug 31st and Nov 30, 2024, 10 am–5 pm

The masterclass is designed as a four-part workshop series. Booking is closed.


Portrait, landscape, long-term project, concept development, image review, portfolio reviews, editing, sequencing, analysis of own situation, discussion and feedback, new perspectives on documentation, research

Masterclass programme

February 24: Meeting at 10 am. Andrea Diefenbach introduces the topic as well as the aims and process of the long-term project. After an intensive review of the portfolios, the project ideas brought along will be discussed; the focus will be on the ideas and wishes of the participants. All four workshop dates offer ample opportunity to discuss each person's work and address individual questions.

May 25, August 31st, November 30: Meeting at 10 am. The participants' photo projects are realized individually during the ten FFF Masterclass months and presented and discussed at the group meetings. Andrea Diefenbach teaches professional photographic handling and working methods, provides assistance and tips and accompanies the projects. 


Participants are asked to bring 20 to 30 of their own images in printed form and an initial concept for their project to the first workshop date.


Fotografie Forum Frankfurt

Braubachstraße 30–32, 60311 Frankfurt

Language: German
Duration: four days in total

The ten-month master class is about a long-term examination of a topic – about deepening one's own research through returning to a place, relationships between people or a certain theme. Over the course of four intensive workshop days spread throughout the year, photographer and teacher Andrea Diefenbach supervises the participants' projects, which may still be in the early stages or already at an advanced stage. In an intensive dialog, the participants deal with the following questions, among others: “What photographic approaches am I pursuing?”, “What makes a successful series?” and “What do I want to tell and how?”. In regular project presentations, participants learn to talk about their work and analyze their projects in terms of visual language, technique and approach. In addition to the creative and artistic examination of the series, questions about exhibitions, the sale of images or making a publication of photographs will also find a place in the masterclass.

Andrea Diefenbach graduated from Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences in 2006 and has since worked on her own photographic book and exhibition projects as well as on commissions for German and international organizations and magazines. She has received numerous prizes and scholarships for her critical and penetrating reflections on social situations.

Her first book “СПИД [spid] AIDS in Odessa” about the AIDS epidemic in Ukraine was published in 2008 by Hatje Cantz Verlag, followed by exhibitions in Hamburg, Mannheim and New York, among other places. Her second book, “Land ohne Eltern”, appeared in November 2012 and was published in a second edition in June 2016. For more than two years, she followed the lives of Moldovan migrant workers in Italy and their children who stayed behind in the Republic of Moldova. This work has been widely published and toured as an international exhibition. “Realitatea” (2022 by Hartmann Books) is Diefenbach’s third monograph and her second book about the Republic of Moldova. It is on the longlist of the “Most Beautiful German Books 2023” and received “Silver” at the German Photo Book Award.

Her work has been exhibited abroad and in Germany including at the Hamburger Kunsthalle, the Museum Folkwang Essen and the Münchner Stadtmuseum. From 2016 to 2022, she was Senior Lecturer at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and has been Professor of Photography at the University of the Arts in Bremen since 2022.


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